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Kamis, 26 November 2009
The rapture: Hoax or Hope?
The rapture is Christian belief that forms a major part of the current teaching and expectations of fundamentalist and other evangelical denominations. In its most popular current form, the doctrine involves Jesus Christ returning from Heaven towards earth. In violation of the law of gravity, saved individuals -- both dead and alive -- will rise up in the air and join Jesus in the sky.
The concept of the rapture is found in the Bible -- 1 Thessalonians 4 -- and is supported in other passages. Unfortunately, the Bible is ambiguous about exactly when the rapture will occur. Most believers in the rapture suggest that it will happen just before the expected seven-year Tribulation -- a time of great suffering, instability, the devastating War of Armageddon, and the largest genocide that the world has ever seen. Some suggest that it will happen just after the Tribulation when Jesus finally returns to Earth.
The doctrine of the "post-tribulation rapture" was taught by Christianity starting in the first century CE and was popular until the 19th century. It is still held by some Christians. It teaches that when Jesus Christ returns to earth after the tribulation, believers who are alive at the time will be changed into immortal glorified bodies.
A relatively new competing belief promoting a "pre-tribulation rapture" was developed during the 19th century and has become a near universal belief among fundamentalist and other evangelical Christians. This belief has Jesus returning towards the Earth before the tribulation. Christian believers -- both dead and alive -- will rise in the air to meet him in the sky. It will occur without warning. Believers in the pre-tribulation rapture have eagerly anticipated the event since the 1840s and have never given up the hope that it will occur in their very near future. Source:/
Tanda-Tanda Kiamat Menurut Berbagai Agama Dan Mitologi
Kiamat biasanya merujuk kepada tulisan eskatologis dalam ketiga agama Abrahamik: Yudaisme, Kristen, dan Islam. Akhir zaman seringkali digambarkan sebagai suatu masa yang diwarnai oleh kesusahan yang mendahului kedatangan kembali dari Mesias yang telah diramalkan. Mesias adalah tokoh yang akan mengantarkan datangnya Kerajaan Allah dan mengakhiri penderitaan dan kejahatan. Namun demikian, gambaran-gambaran terinci tentang kejadian ini tergantung pada keyakinan masing-masing yang dipelajari. Sejumlah agama dan tradisi memiliki keyakinan-keyakinan tentang Akhir zaman, yang menghasilkan beraneka sistem keyakinan, tradisi, dan perilaku.
1. Yudaisme
Akhir Zaman dalam eskatologi Yahudi meliputi sejumlah tema yang saling terkait:
* Mesianisme Yahudi.
o Pengumpulan kembali orang-orang yang hidup di pembuangan.
o Pembangunan kembali Bait Suci
o Kurban binatang atau Korba.
* Dunia yang Akan Datang (Olam ha-Ba).
sebuah istilah yang ambigu yang mungkin merujuk kepada kehidupan setelah kematian, dunia mesianik, atau kehidupan setelah kebangkitan.
2. Talmud
Menurut tradisi Yahudi, mereka yang hidup pada akhir zaman akan menyaksikan:
1. Dikumpulkannya orang-orang Yahudi di pembuangan ke Israel yang ada secara geografis,
2. Dikalahkannya semua musuh Israel,
3. Pembangunan (atau penempatan oleh Allah) kenisah di Yerusalem dan dipulihkannya kembali persembahan kurban dan ibadah di Kenisah,
4. Kebangkitan orang mati (techiat hameitim), atau Kebangkitan,
5. Pada suatu saat, Mesias Yahudi akan menjadi Raja Israel. Ia akan memisah-misahkan orang-orang Yahudi di Israel menurut bagian-bagian wilayah sukunya yang asli di negeri Israel. Pada masa ini, Gog, raja Magog, akan menyerang Israel. Siapa Gog dan negara Magog itu tidak diketahui. Magog akan bertempur dalam suatu pertempuran hebat, yang mengakibatkan jauh korban yang besar di kedua belah pihak, tetapi Allah akan ikut campur dan menyelamatkan orang-orang Yahudi. Ini adalah pertempuran yang dirujuk sebagai Harmagedon. Setelah memusnahkan musuh-musuh terakhir ini untuk selama-lamanya, Allah akan mengenyahkan semua kejahatan dari keberadaan manusia. Setelah tahun 6000 (dalam kalender Yahudi), milenium ketujuh adalah masa kesucian, ketenangan, kehidupan rohani, dan perdamaian di seluruh dunia, yang disebut sebagai Olam Haba (“Dunia Masa Depan”), di mana semua orang akan mengenal Allah secara langsung.”
3. Kekristenan
Menurut Perjanjian Baru :
Dalam Perjanjian Baru, Yesus merujuk kepadanya sebagai “Penderitaan Besar”, “Penyiksaan”, dan “hari-hari pembalasan.”
Matius 24:15-22: “Jadi apabila kamu melihat Pembinasa keji berdiri di tempat kudus, menurut firman yang disampaikan oleh nabi Daniel — para pembaca hendaklah memperhatikannya — maka orang-orang yang di Yudea haruslah melarikan diri ke pegunungan. Orang yang sedang di peranginan di atas rumah janganlah ia turun untuk mengambil barang-barang dari rumahnya, dan orang yang sedang di ladang janganlah ia kembali untuk mengambil pakaiannya. Celakalah ibu-ibu yang sedang hamil atau yang menyusukan bayi pada masa itu. Berdoalah, supaya waktu kamu melarikan diri itu jangan jatuh pada musim dingin dan jangan pada hari Sabat. Sebab pada masa itu akan terjadi siksaan yang dahsyat seperti yang belum pernah terjadi sejak awal dunia sampai sekarang dan yang tidak akan terjadi lagi. Dan sekiranya waktunya tidak dipersingkat, maka dari segala yang hidup tidak akan ada yang selamat; akan tetapi oleh karena orang-orang pilihan waktu itu akan dipersingkat.
Markus 13:14-20: “Apabila kamu melihat Pembinasa keji berdiri di tempat yang tidak sepatutnya — para pembaca hendaklah memperhatikannya — maka orang-orang yang di Yudea haruslah melarikan diri ke pegunungan. Orang yang sedang di peranginan di atas rumah janganlah ia turun dan masuk untuk mengambil sesuatu dari rumahnya, dan orang yang sedang di ladang janganlah ia kembali untuk mengambil pakaiannya. Celakalah ibu-ibu yang sedang hamil atau yang menyusukan bayi pada masa itu. Berdoalah, supaya semuanya itu jangan terjadi pada musim dingin. Sebab pada masa itu akan terjadi siksaan seperti yang belum pernah terjadi sejak awal dunia, yang diciptakan Allah, sampai sekarang dan yang tidak akan terjadi lagi. Dan sekiranya Tuhan tidak mempersingkat waktunya, maka dari segala yang hidup tidak akan ada yang selamat; akan tetapi oleh karena orang-orang pilihan yang telah dipilih-Nya, Tuhan mempersingkat waktunya.
Lukas 21:20-33: “Apabila kamu melihat Yerusalem dikepung oleh tentara-tentara, ketahuilah, bahwa keruntuhannya sudah dekat. Pada waktu itu orang-orang yang berada di Yudea harus melarikan diri ke pegunungan, dan orang-orang yang berada di dalam kota harus mengungsi, dan orang-orang yang berada di pedusunan jangan masuk lagi ke dalam kota, sebab itulah masa pembalasan di mana akan genap semua yang ada tertulis. Celakalah ibu-ibu yang sedang hamil atau yang menyusukan bayi pada masa itu! Sebab akan datang kesesakan yang dahsyat atas seluruh negeri dan murka atas bangsa ini, dan mereka akan tewas oleh mata pedang dan dibawa sebagai tawanan ke segala bangsa, dan Yerusalem akan diinjak-injak oleh bangsa-bangsa yang tidak mengenal Allah, sampai genaplah zaman bangsa-bangsa itu.” “Dan akan ada tanda-tanda pada matahari dan bulan dan bintang-bintang, dan di bumi bangsa-bangsa akan takut dan bingung menghadapi deru dan gelora laut. Orang akan mati ketakutan karena kecemasan berhubung dengan segala apa yang menimpa bumi ini, sebab kuasa-kuasa langit akan goncang. Pada waktu itu orang akan melihat Anak Manusia datang dalam awan dengan segala kekuasaan dan kemuliaan-Nya. Apabila semuanya itu mulai terjadi, bangkitlah dan angkatlah mukamu, sebab penyelamatanmu sudah dekat.” Lalu Yesus mengatakan perumpamaan ini kepada mereka: “Perhatikanlah pohon ara atau pohon apa saja. Apabila kamu melihat pohon-pohon itu sudah bertunas, kamu tahu dengan sendirinya bahwa musim panas sudah dekat. Demikian juga, jika kamu melihat hal-hal itu terjadi, ketahuilah, bahwa Kerajaan Allah sudah dekat. Aku berkata kepadamu: Sesungguhnya angkatan ini tidak akan berlalu, sebelum semuanya terjadi. Langit dan bumi akan berlalu, tetapi perkataan-Ku tidak akan berlalu.”
4. Ajaran Katolik
Sementara sebagian yang percaya akan penafsiran harafiah terhadap Alkitab menegaskan bahwa ramalan tentang tanggal-tanggal atau waktu itu sia-sia, dan sebagian penulis lainnya percaya bahwa Yesus meramalkan tanda-tanda yang akan menunjukkan bahwa “akhir zaman” sudah dekat. Sebagian dari tanda-tanda ini adalah gempa bumi, bencana alam, masalah-masalah di masyarakat, ‘peperangan dan kabar burung tentang perang’, dan bencana-bencana lain. Namun tentang kapan persisnya semua itu akan terjadi, ia akan datang “seperti pencuri di malam hari”.
Menurut Katekismus Gereja Katolik, iman Katolik mengenai “akhir zaman” dibahas dalam Pengakuan Iman
5. Gereja-gereja Protestan
Keyakinan-keyakinan tentang Akhir zaman di kalangan Kekristenan Protestan sangat berbeda-beda. Kaum Kristen pra-milenialis yang percaya bahwa Akhir zaman sedang terjadi saat ini, biasanya spesifik tentang garis waktu yang berpuncak pada hancurnya dunia. Bagi sebagian orang, Israel, Uni Eropa, atau Perseri
katan Bangsa-Bangsa dipandang sebagai pemain-pemain utama yang peranannya telah diramalkan dalam Kitab Suci. Di antara para penulis pra-milenial dispensasional, ada orang-orang yang percaya bahwa orang Kristen secara adikodrati akan dikumpulkan ke surga oleh Yesus dalam suatu peristiwa yang disebut Pengangkatan, yang terjadi sebelum “Penderitaan Besar” yang dinubuatkan dalam Matius 24-25; Markus 13 dan Lukas 21. Penderitaan Besar ini juga disebutkan dalam kitab terakhir dalam Alkitab – Kitab Wahyu.
6. Islam Syi’ah
Mayoritas ulama Syi’ah sepakat akan rincian kejadian-kejadian yang akan terjadi pada hari-hari terakhir:
1. Si Dajjal akan mengklaim dirinya sebagai juru selamat umat manusia dan bangsa-bangsa dari semua agama akan bersatu di bawah agamanya.
2. Akan terjadi pembunuhan-pembunuhan massal atas umat Syi’ah di Irak (sekitar sungai Eufrat), dan untuk kepala mereka akan disediakan hadiah uang, meskipun mereka bukan penjahat.
3. Akan terjadi pemberontakan oleh seorang “Yamani” yang akan dikalahkan dalam usahanya itu
4. Imam Mahdi akan muncul kembali dan menyampaikan khutbahnya di Kaabah dan akan mengumpulkan pasukan dengan 313 jenderal dan ribuan pengikut untuk mengala hkan si Dajjal
5. Seseorang yang bernama “Sufyani” (agamanya tidak disebutkan, meskipun ia adalah keturunan dari dinasti Ummayyah yang telah berantakan yang keturunan menyebar kemungkinan di Levant dan Spanyol atau Marokko selama 12 abad terakhir) akan memimpin pasukan-pasukan dari Suriah melintasi Irak ke Arabia untuk mengalahkan pasukan-pasukan Mahdi bersama-sama dengan sekutu-sekutunya.
6. Imam Mahdi akan mendirikan kembali Islam yang sejati dan dunia akan menemukan
perdamaian dan ketenangan.
7. Imam Mahdi akan berkuasa untuk suatu masa.
8. Kebangkitan manusia akan dimulai sementara Hari Penghakiman akan dimulai.
7. Islam Sunni
Sebelum tanda-tanda besar yang disebutkan ini, semua tanda kecil harus terjadi dan di antaranya adalah:
1. Munculnya Nabi Muhammad dan wafatnya (sudah terjadi, kelahiranMuhammad sendiri
dipahami sebagai tanda dari hari penghakiman.)
2. Waktu akan berlalu lebih cepat.
3. Perang dan pembunuhan menjadi lazim di antara manusia.
4. Merebaknya pencurian,penipuan dan skandal di antara manusia.
5. Merebaknya perzinahan.
6. Munculnya bangunan-bangunan besar.
7. Popularitas minuman-minuman beralkohol di antara manusia, hingga namanya
diubah, misal nya: bir, anggur, jenever dan seterusnya.
8. Padang gurun Arab berubah menjadi hijau.
9. Bangunan-bangunan yang lebih tinggi daripada gunung-gunung di Mekkah dibangun
di Mekkah.
Tanda-tanda besar yang semuanya mempunyai dampak penting bagi umat manusia adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Matahari akan terbit di barat, menandai ditutupnya pintah pertobatan Allah dan orang-orang kafir tak dapat berbalik lagi setelah titik ini. Dikatakan bahwa matahari akan terbenam dan tidak terbit selama tiga hari hingga terbitnya di sebel ah barat. Ia akan terbit di tengah hari dan kemudian tenggelam seperti biasanya di barat.
2. Munculnya sang Dajjal (Anti Kristus), dan menipu mayoritas umat manusia untuk mengikut dan menyembah dia. Kelak ia akan dibunuh oleh Isa Almasih di Yerusalem.
3. Turunnya Isa Almasih dari surga dan berdoa di belakang Imam Mahdi. Pada waktkunya ia akan membunuh babi, mematahkan salib, dan membunuh orang-orang kafir.
4. Dilepaskannya Ya’joj dan Ma’joj, menyebabkan bala kelaparan dan bencana di dunia dan akhirnya menembakkan sebuah anak panah di langit untuk memperlihatkan bangsa-bangsa bahwa Allah dapat dibunuh, anak panah ini kemudian jatuh dengan ujung yang berlumur darah sehingga menyebabkan orang-orang mukmin yang lemah percaya akan hal itu dan takluk kepada Ya’joj dan Ma’joj. Mereka belakangan dibunuh oleh ulat yang munculs dari lubang hidung unta dan mayat-mayat mereka akan bertebaran di bumi.
5. Seorang laki-laki muncul di Medina dan diminta oleh para ulamanya untuk pindah ke Mekkah. Di sana ia akan dinyatakan sebagai Kalifah dan disebut Mahdi dan memerintah sebagai Kalifah terakhir Islam yang memimpin umat man usia memasuki zaman kemakmuran yang tak pernah terlihat atau terdengar sebelumya. Ia juga akan meluruskan semua sekte Islam menjadi Islam yang sejati. Namanya juga Muhammad bin Abdullah, nama yang sama dengan nama Nabi dan sebagai keturunannya,ia juga memiliki sebuah tanda gelap pada pipi kanannya dan rupa yang sama de ngan Nabi Muhammad.
6. Perang besar antara orang-orang Muslim dengan orang-orang Yahudi di Palestina yang mengakibatkan kekalahan total orang-orang Yahudi.
7. Kematian Isa Almasih dan diikuti atau didahului oleh Imam Mahdi. Perhatikan bahwa hari penghakiman terjadi 60 tahun setelah naiknya Almasih ke surga.
8. Munculnya Dabbat al-Ard seekor binatang yang aneh rupanya (monster) dari sebuah gunung di Mekkah, yang memiliki cincin Nabi Sulaiman dan tongkat Nabi Musa. Dabbat al-Ard akan mencap manusia sebagai orang kafir atau orang mukmin.
9. Akan terjadi serangan terhadap Mekkah tetapi pasukan-pasukan penyerang itu akan teng gelam di padang pasir sebelum mencapai Mekkah.
10. Angin yang akanmengambil jiwa semua orang Muslim dan hanya meninggalkan orang-orang kafir di muka bumi.
Kejadian-kejadian berikut ini adalah langkah-langkah terakhir dari Hari penghakiman dan terjadi di Bumi:
1. Ditiupnya terompet pertama yang mematikan semua manusia di muka bumia.
2. Ditiupnya terompet kedua yang menandai kebangkitan.
3. Allah turun ke bumi.
4. Penantian akan Penghak iman oleh seluruh umat manusia, sebuah proses yang
dikatakan akan berlangsung selama ribuan tahun di bawah matahari yang membakar.
5. Penghakiman atas umat manusia dimulai.
8. Zoroastrianisme
Menurut filsafat Zoroaster, yang disunting dalam Zand-i Vohuman Yasht, “pada akhir musim dinginmu yang kesepuluhribu… matahari semakin tak terlihat dan tampak; tahun, bulan, dan hari menjadi makin pendek, dan bumi menjadi lebih tandus; dan tanaman tidak akan menghasilkan benih dan manusia. Menjadi semakin menipu dan cenderung melakukan praktik-praktik jahat. Mereka tidak mengenal rasa terima kasih.”
9. Buddhisme
Menurut Sutta Pitaka, “sepuluh perilaku moral” akan lenyap dan bangsa-bangsa akan mengikuti sepuluh konsep yang tidak beramoral yaitu mencuri, kekerasan, membunuh, berbohong, mengucapkan hal-hal yang jahat, perzinahan, kata-kata yang kotor dan ngawur, kecemburuan dan kehendak yang buruk, keserakahan yang berlebih-lebihan, dan nafsu yang menyimpang sehingga mengakibatkan timbulnya kemiskinan yang luar biasa dan mengakhiri hukum-hukum dunia dari dharma sejati.
10. Hinduisme
Dalam Hinduisme, tidak dikenal penghukuman kekal terhadap jiwa. Akhir zaman juga tidak ada. Setelah Kali yuga yang jahat ini berakhir, yuga atau zaman berikutnya adalah Satya yuga di mana setiap orang adalah orang yang benar, diikuti oleh Dwapara yuga, Treta yuga dan kemudian Kali Yuga yang lain. Dengan demikian waktu bersifat siklis dan zaman terus berulang tanpa akhir. Namun demikian, keberadaan kejahatan dan kemerostan yang dapat ditolerir dalma masing-masing zaman itu berbeda dan karenanya ambang yang perlu untuk perwujudan penjelmaan Dewa juga berbeda-beda untuk masing-masing yuga. Yuga yang sekarang adalah yang paling jahat sehingga ambang untuk munculnya avatar juga begitu tinggi sehingga dunia perlu menurunkan tingkat maksimumnya.
11. Agama Bahá’í
Pendiri agama Bahá’í, Bahá’u'lláh mengklaim bahwa ia adalah Almasih yang datang kembali serta pengharapan kenabian dari semua agama lainnya. Ia juga memberikan bukti-bukti tentang Akhir zaman dan tempat dirinya. Terbentuknya agama bersamaan dengan nubuat Millerit yang menunjuk kepada tahun 1844. Sehubungan dengan pengharapan khusus tentang akhir zaman, dikatakan bahwa Pertempuran Hamagedon telah berlalu dan bahwa kematian syahid massal yang diantisipasikan pada Akhir zaman telah terjadi dengan konteks historis dari agama Bahá’í. Wikipedia
Selasa, 17 November 2009
NASA: The Great 2012 Doomsday Scare
This guest article on 2012 was written by E. C. Krupp, Director of Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles and is reprinted with permission from Sky & Telescope Magazine. The publisher and the author reserve all rights. All opinions are the author's own.
The year 2012 is acting like a badly behaved celebrity. Frightful rumors and gossip are spreading. Already more than a half dozen books are marketing, to eager fans, astronomical fears about 2012 End Times. Opening in theaters on Friday, Nov. 13, will be 2012, a $200-million disaster movie that seems designed to break all records for disaster spectacles -- with cracking continents, plunging asteroids, burning cities, and a tsunami throwing an aircraft carrier through the White House. The movie's ominous slogan: "Find out the truth." Two other major movies about the 2012 doomsday are also reported to be in the works.
Anyone who cruises the internet or all-night talk radio knows why. The ancient Maya of Mexico and Guatemala kept a calendar that is about to roll up the red carpet of time, swing the solar system into transcendental alignment with the heart of the Milky Way, and turn Earth into a bowling pin for a rogue planet heading down our alley for a strike.
None of it is true. People you know, however, are likely becoming a bit afraid that modern astronomy and Maya secrets are indeed conspiring to bring our doom. If people know you’re an astronomer, they will soon be asking you all about it.
Here is what you need to know.
Birth of a Notion
We"ve had similar scares in the recent past, but none quite like this. The last time the world got all worked up over the mystical turning of a calendar was the false Millennium of Jan. 1, 2000. Never mind the actual Y2K computer-date bug. True-believer authors (and their imitators) published scary and/or hopeful books about the moment's prophetic potential to catch an immense cosmic wave and change everything for either good or ill. Borrowing a forecast from Nostradamus, the 16th-century French riddler, author Charles Berlitz predicted catastrophe in his 1981 book Doomsday 1999. Berlitz (fresh off books on Atlantis and the Bermuda Triangle), warned that 1999 could inflict flood, famine, pollution and a shift of Earth's magnetic poles. He also spotlighted the planetary alignment of May 5, 2000, and warned that it could bring solar flares, severe earthquakes, "land changes" and "seismic explosions."
In the 1990s an entire "Earth Changes" movement swelled into being as the end of the century neared, with all sorts of Millennial expectations -- earthquakes, plagues, polar axis shifts, continents sliding into the sea, Atlantis rising and more. In England, the Sun tabloid predicted a "marvelous millennium of joy, peace, prosperity."
When Jan. 1, 2000, came and went with nothing worse than ski-lift passes printing the date as 1900, the focus shifted to "5/5/2000" several months later. Most believers in the power of planetary alignments forgot the failure of earlier lineups to induce disaster. The "Jupiter Effect" cataclysm predicted for March 10, 1982 (named for the 1974 book about it by John Gribbin and Stephen Plagemann) commanded headlines but never materialized.
Throughout history, end-of-the-world movements missing their mark number in the "hundreds of thousands at the very least, says Richard Landes, historian at Boston University and director of its Center for Millennial Studies. But people eager for the world to end are not to be denied, and this time, of course, all will be different.
The Rollover
What exactly is the Maya calendar about to do? On Dec. 21, 2012, it will display the equivalent of a string of zeros, like the odometer turning over on your car, with the close of something like a millennium. In Maya calendrics, however, it's not the end of a thousand years. It's the end of Baktun 13. The Maya calendar was based on multiple cycles of time, and the baktun was one of them. A baktun is 144,000 days: a little more than 394 years.
Scholars have deciphered how the Maya calendar worked from historical texts and ancient inscriptions, and they have accurately correlated so-called Maya Long Count dates with the equivalent dates in our calendar. Just as we number our years counting from a historically and culturally significant event (the presumed birth year of Christ), Maya times were numbered from a date endowed with religious and cosmic significance: the creation date of the present world order. A Long Count date is the tally of days from that mythic startup. Most experts think the start point corresponds to Aug. 11, 3114 B.C.
Most of the Maya calendar intervals accumulate as multiples of 20. An interval of 7,200 days (360 × 20) was known as a katun. It takes 20 katuns to complete a baktun (20 × 7,200 = 144,000 days). Although some ancient inscriptions turn 13 baktuns into an important reset milestone, others imply that the calendar simply keeps running. For instance, it takes 20 baktuns to make a pictun.
No one paid much attention to the end of Baktun 13 until fairly recently. In 1975 Frank Waters, a romantic and speculative author, devoted a brief section to the subject in his book Mexico Mystique. He identified the 13-baktun interval as a "Mayan Great Cycle," overestimated its duration as 5,200 years, and equated five such cycles with five legendary eras, each of which ends in the world’s destruction and rebirth. There is no genuine Maya tradition behind any of this.
Waters also miscalculated the date when the calendar would supposedly pull down the shades. "The end of the Great Cycle . . . will occur Dec. 24, 2011 A.D.," he announced, when the world "will be destroyed by catastrophic earthquakes." Exact date aside, the doomsday ball was now rolling.
Another book in 1975 also spotlighted the Maya calendric roundup. Dennis and Terence McKenna discussed it in The Invisible Landscape: Mind, Hallucinogens, and the I Ching. That book at least got the Baktun-13 end date right: Dec. 21, 2012. It also noted that the date is the winter solstice, when the Sun will be "in the constellation Sagittarius, only about 3 degrees from the Galactic Center, which, also coincidentally, is within 2 degrees of the ecliptic." The McKennas continued, "Because the winter solstice node is precessing, it is moving closer and closer to the point on the ecliptic where it will eclipse the galactic center." In reality this event will never happen, but it hardly matters. The McKennas linked the whole arrangement with the concept of renewal and called 2012 a moment of "potential transformative opportunity."
Broader interest in 2012 caught on beginning in 1987. In The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology, José Argüelles (an "artist, poet, and visionary historian" according to the dust jacket) linked the 13-baktun period with an impalpable "beam" from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. According to Argüelles, the Maya knew when we entered this beam and when we would leave it, and set their 13-baktun cycle to mark our passage through it accordingly. The beam, he asserted, operates as "invisible galactic life threads" that link people, the planet, the Sun, and the center of the Galaxy. Neither Maya tradition nor modern astronomy supports a belief in any such beam. It stemmed instead from Argüelles’s personal philosophy, which emphasizes "the principle of harmonic resonance." Argüelles also concluded that the planets are "orbiting harmonic gyroscopes" that “play a role in the coordination of the beam," which advances the development of anything with DNA. The year 2012, therefore, will bring a rosy version of the apocalypse.
If this sounds a bit familiar, you're right. In 1987 Argüelles and his followers predicted, with worldwide fanfare, that Aug. 16–17 of that year would bring a Maya-Galactic "Harmonic Convergence." That event turned into a global phenomenon, with thousands gathering at Earth’s “acupuncture points” to create a "synchronized and unified bio-electromagnetic collective battery." Unfortunately, the date passed with nothing more than colorful newspaper stories and a Doonesbury satire. (A character explains earnestly that that the alignment could bring either "mass unification of divine and earth-plane selves," or perhaps nuclear annihilation. "Either way there will probably be a crafts fair.")
Galactic Guessing Games
Fast-forward to 1995. That year John Major Jenkins packaged several of these themes into Maya Cosmogenesis 2012. According to Jenkins, the winter-solstice point and the centerline of the Galaxy will line up exactly on Dec. 21. Arguing that this motivated the Maya to contrive the calendar to end on that date, Jenkins concludes that it will be "a tremendous transformation and opportunity for spiritual growth, a transition from one world age to another."
In fact, astronomy cannot pinpoint such a "galactic alignment" to within a year, much less a day. The alignment depends on the rather arbitrary modern definition of the galactic equator, and/or the visual appearance of the Milky Way. There is no precise definition of the Milky Way's edges -- they are very vague and depend on the clarity of your view. (Jenkins says that he personally established the Milky Way’s edges by viewing it from 11,000 feet, far above anywhere the Maya lived.) So to give a precise visual position for its centerline is not meaningful.
Jenkins did acknowledge that the winter-solstice Sun actually crosses the center of the Milky Way anytime between 1980 and 2016. Elsewhere he expands this approach zone to a 900-year period, and settles for an imprecise alignment to which Dec. 21, 2012, is arbitrarily and circularly assigned. Real astronomy does not support any match between the Baktun-13 end date and a galactic alignment. The advocates both admit and ignore this discrepancy.
It's almost a sidelight that the winter-solstice sun will never actually "eclipse" the galaxy's true center, the pointlike radio source marking the Milky Way's central black hole. Moreover, the winter-solstice sun won’t even pass closest to it on the sky for another 200 years. What did the Maya themselves think about End Times? There is no evidence that they saw the calendar and a world age ending in either transcendence or catastrophe on December 21, 2012. Some Maya Long Count texts refer to dates many baktuns past 13 and even into the next pictun and beyond. For instance, an inscription commissioned in the 7th century A.D. by King Pacal of Palenque predicts that an anniversary of his accession would be commemorated on Oct. 15, 4772.
In all of the Long Count texts discovered, transcribed, and translated, only one mentions the key date in 2012: Monument 6 at Tortuguero, a Maya site in the Mexican state of Tabasco. The text is damaged, but what remains does not imply the end of time.
The Secret NASA Conspiracy
Some advocates for the 2012 catastrophe say that what will actually cause the devastation is an alignment of planets. There is no planet alignment on the winter solstice in 2012. Nonetheless, advocates of doom connect the fictional alignment to astrological predictions or groundless claims about a reversal of Earth's magnetic field and unprecedented solar storms. Many internet postings and guests on all-night apocalyptic radio have elaborated on these themes.
In particular, several threads of irrational thought have created an internet phantom, the secret planet Nibiru. It's the bowling ball, and Earth is the pin. There is no such planet, though it is often equated with Eris, a plutoid orbiting safely and permanently beyond Pluto. Some insist, however, that a NASA conspiracy is in play and that Nibiru, looming in on the approach, can already be seen in broad daylight from the Southern Hemisphere. It was supposed to become visible from the Northern Hemisphere, too, by last May, but like a fickle blind date, it stood up those awaiting it.
Others on the Web, confused about the supposed alignment of the winter-solstice sun with the Milky Way's center, have declared that the Sun is now plummeting to the Milky Way’s center and dragging Earth with it. The predicted result? Earth’s polar axis will shift. Most of what's claimed for 2012 relies on wishful thinking, wild pseudoscientific folly, ignorance of astronomy, and a level of paranoia worthy of Night of the Living Dead.
So maybe the Maya were on to us after all. The clock is ticking. And it’s the end of the world as we know it.
E.C. Krupp, a Sky & Telescope contributing editor, is Director of Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles.
The year 2012 is acting like a badly behaved celebrity. Frightful rumors and gossip are spreading. Already more than a half dozen books are marketing, to eager fans, astronomical fears about 2012 End Times. Opening in theaters on Friday, Nov. 13, will be 2012, a $200-million disaster movie that seems designed to break all records for disaster spectacles -- with cracking continents, plunging asteroids, burning cities, and a tsunami throwing an aircraft carrier through the White House. The movie's ominous slogan: "Find out the truth." Two other major movies about the 2012 doomsday are also reported to be in the works.
Anyone who cruises the internet or all-night talk radio knows why. The ancient Maya of Mexico and Guatemala kept a calendar that is about to roll up the red carpet of time, swing the solar system into transcendental alignment with the heart of the Milky Way, and turn Earth into a bowling pin for a rogue planet heading down our alley for a strike.
None of it is true. People you know, however, are likely becoming a bit afraid that modern astronomy and Maya secrets are indeed conspiring to bring our doom. If people know you’re an astronomer, they will soon be asking you all about it.
Here is what you need to know.
Birth of a Notion
We"ve had similar scares in the recent past, but none quite like this. The last time the world got all worked up over the mystical turning of a calendar was the false Millennium of Jan. 1, 2000. Never mind the actual Y2K computer-date bug. True-believer authors (and their imitators) published scary and/or hopeful books about the moment's prophetic potential to catch an immense cosmic wave and change everything for either good or ill. Borrowing a forecast from Nostradamus, the 16th-century French riddler, author Charles Berlitz predicted catastrophe in his 1981 book Doomsday 1999. Berlitz (fresh off books on Atlantis and the Bermuda Triangle), warned that 1999 could inflict flood, famine, pollution and a shift of Earth's magnetic poles. He also spotlighted the planetary alignment of May 5, 2000, and warned that it could bring solar flares, severe earthquakes, "land changes" and "seismic explosions."
In the 1990s an entire "Earth Changes" movement swelled into being as the end of the century neared, with all sorts of Millennial expectations -- earthquakes, plagues, polar axis shifts, continents sliding into the sea, Atlantis rising and more. In England, the Sun tabloid predicted a "marvelous millennium of joy, peace, prosperity."
When Jan. 1, 2000, came and went with nothing worse than ski-lift passes printing the date as 1900, the focus shifted to "5/5/2000" several months later. Most believers in the power of planetary alignments forgot the failure of earlier lineups to induce disaster. The "Jupiter Effect" cataclysm predicted for March 10, 1982 (named for the 1974 book about it by John Gribbin and Stephen Plagemann) commanded headlines but never materialized.
Throughout history, end-of-the-world movements missing their mark number in the "hundreds of thousands at the very least, says Richard Landes, historian at Boston University and director of its Center for Millennial Studies. But people eager for the world to end are not to be denied, and this time, of course, all will be different.
The Rollover
What exactly is the Maya calendar about to do? On Dec. 21, 2012, it will display the equivalent of a string of zeros, like the odometer turning over on your car, with the close of something like a millennium. In Maya calendrics, however, it's not the end of a thousand years. It's the end of Baktun 13. The Maya calendar was based on multiple cycles of time, and the baktun was one of them. A baktun is 144,000 days: a little more than 394 years.
Scholars have deciphered how the Maya calendar worked from historical texts and ancient inscriptions, and they have accurately correlated so-called Maya Long Count dates with the equivalent dates in our calendar. Just as we number our years counting from a historically and culturally significant event (the presumed birth year of Christ), Maya times were numbered from a date endowed with religious and cosmic significance: the creation date of the present world order. A Long Count date is the tally of days from that mythic startup. Most experts think the start point corresponds to Aug. 11, 3114 B.C.
Most of the Maya calendar intervals accumulate as multiples of 20. An interval of 7,200 days (360 × 20) was known as a katun. It takes 20 katuns to complete a baktun (20 × 7,200 = 144,000 days). Although some ancient inscriptions turn 13 baktuns into an important reset milestone, others imply that the calendar simply keeps running. For instance, it takes 20 baktuns to make a pictun.
No one paid much attention to the end of Baktun 13 until fairly recently. In 1975 Frank Waters, a romantic and speculative author, devoted a brief section to the subject in his book Mexico Mystique. He identified the 13-baktun interval as a "Mayan Great Cycle," overestimated its duration as 5,200 years, and equated five such cycles with five legendary eras, each of which ends in the world’s destruction and rebirth. There is no genuine Maya tradition behind any of this.
Waters also miscalculated the date when the calendar would supposedly pull down the shades. "The end of the Great Cycle . . . will occur Dec. 24, 2011 A.D.," he announced, when the world "will be destroyed by catastrophic earthquakes." Exact date aside, the doomsday ball was now rolling.
Another book in 1975 also spotlighted the Maya calendric roundup. Dennis and Terence McKenna discussed it in The Invisible Landscape: Mind, Hallucinogens, and the I Ching. That book at least got the Baktun-13 end date right: Dec. 21, 2012. It also noted that the date is the winter solstice, when the Sun will be "in the constellation Sagittarius, only about 3 degrees from the Galactic Center, which, also coincidentally, is within 2 degrees of the ecliptic." The McKennas continued, "Because the winter solstice node is precessing, it is moving closer and closer to the point on the ecliptic where it will eclipse the galactic center." In reality this event will never happen, but it hardly matters. The McKennas linked the whole arrangement with the concept of renewal and called 2012 a moment of "potential transformative opportunity."
Broader interest in 2012 caught on beginning in 1987. In The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology, José Argüelles (an "artist, poet, and visionary historian" according to the dust jacket) linked the 13-baktun period with an impalpable "beam" from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. According to Argüelles, the Maya knew when we entered this beam and when we would leave it, and set their 13-baktun cycle to mark our passage through it accordingly. The beam, he asserted, operates as "invisible galactic life threads" that link people, the planet, the Sun, and the center of the Galaxy. Neither Maya tradition nor modern astronomy supports a belief in any such beam. It stemmed instead from Argüelles’s personal philosophy, which emphasizes "the principle of harmonic resonance." Argüelles also concluded that the planets are "orbiting harmonic gyroscopes" that “play a role in the coordination of the beam," which advances the development of anything with DNA. The year 2012, therefore, will bring a rosy version of the apocalypse.
If this sounds a bit familiar, you're right. In 1987 Argüelles and his followers predicted, with worldwide fanfare, that Aug. 16–17 of that year would bring a Maya-Galactic "Harmonic Convergence." That event turned into a global phenomenon, with thousands gathering at Earth’s “acupuncture points” to create a "synchronized and unified bio-electromagnetic collective battery." Unfortunately, the date passed with nothing more than colorful newspaper stories and a Doonesbury satire. (A character explains earnestly that that the alignment could bring either "mass unification of divine and earth-plane selves," or perhaps nuclear annihilation. "Either way there will probably be a crafts fair.")
Galactic Guessing Games
Fast-forward to 1995. That year John Major Jenkins packaged several of these themes into Maya Cosmogenesis 2012. According to Jenkins, the winter-solstice point and the centerline of the Galaxy will line up exactly on Dec. 21. Arguing that this motivated the Maya to contrive the calendar to end on that date, Jenkins concludes that it will be "a tremendous transformation and opportunity for spiritual growth, a transition from one world age to another."
In fact, astronomy cannot pinpoint such a "galactic alignment" to within a year, much less a day. The alignment depends on the rather arbitrary modern definition of the galactic equator, and/or the visual appearance of the Milky Way. There is no precise definition of the Milky Way's edges -- they are very vague and depend on the clarity of your view. (Jenkins says that he personally established the Milky Way’s edges by viewing it from 11,000 feet, far above anywhere the Maya lived.) So to give a precise visual position for its centerline is not meaningful.
Jenkins did acknowledge that the winter-solstice Sun actually crosses the center of the Milky Way anytime between 1980 and 2016. Elsewhere he expands this approach zone to a 900-year period, and settles for an imprecise alignment to which Dec. 21, 2012, is arbitrarily and circularly assigned. Real astronomy does not support any match between the Baktun-13 end date and a galactic alignment. The advocates both admit and ignore this discrepancy.
It's almost a sidelight that the winter-solstice sun will never actually "eclipse" the galaxy's true center, the pointlike radio source marking the Milky Way's central black hole. Moreover, the winter-solstice sun won’t even pass closest to it on the sky for another 200 years. What did the Maya themselves think about End Times? There is no evidence that they saw the calendar and a world age ending in either transcendence or catastrophe on December 21, 2012. Some Maya Long Count texts refer to dates many baktuns past 13 and even into the next pictun and beyond. For instance, an inscription commissioned in the 7th century A.D. by King Pacal of Palenque predicts that an anniversary of his accession would be commemorated on Oct. 15, 4772.
In all of the Long Count texts discovered, transcribed, and translated, only one mentions the key date in 2012: Monument 6 at Tortuguero, a Maya site in the Mexican state of Tabasco. The text is damaged, but what remains does not imply the end of time.
The Secret NASA Conspiracy
Some advocates for the 2012 catastrophe say that what will actually cause the devastation is an alignment of planets. There is no planet alignment on the winter solstice in 2012. Nonetheless, advocates of doom connect the fictional alignment to astrological predictions or groundless claims about a reversal of Earth's magnetic field and unprecedented solar storms. Many internet postings and guests on all-night apocalyptic radio have elaborated on these themes.
In particular, several threads of irrational thought have created an internet phantom, the secret planet Nibiru. It's the bowling ball, and Earth is the pin. There is no such planet, though it is often equated with Eris, a plutoid orbiting safely and permanently beyond Pluto. Some insist, however, that a NASA conspiracy is in play and that Nibiru, looming in on the approach, can already be seen in broad daylight from the Southern Hemisphere. It was supposed to become visible from the Northern Hemisphere, too, by last May, but like a fickle blind date, it stood up those awaiting it.
Others on the Web, confused about the supposed alignment of the winter-solstice sun with the Milky Way's center, have declared that the Sun is now plummeting to the Milky Way’s center and dragging Earth with it. The predicted result? Earth’s polar axis will shift. Most of what's claimed for 2012 relies on wishful thinking, wild pseudoscientific folly, ignorance of astronomy, and a level of paranoia worthy of Night of the Living Dead.
So maybe the Maya were on to us after all. The clock is ticking. And it’s the end of the world as we know it.
E.C. Krupp, a Sky & Telescope contributing editor, is Director of Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles.
Isu Kiamat 2012 Menurut NASA
Washington - Kiamat konon bakal terjadi tanggal 21 Desember 2012. Sebagian anggota masyarakat sedikit banyak mempercayainya, didukung oleh kisah-kisah di internet, buku ataupun film yang memperkirakan hal itu memang bakal terjadi.
Klaim yang beredar menyebutkan, akhir zaman ini disebabkan oleh tabrakan antara planet X atau Nibiru dengan bumi. Peristiwa ini konon akan menciptakan bencana maha dahsyat.
Beberapa situs internet bahkan mencatut lembaga antariksa Amerika Serikat, NASA. Dikatakan bahwa NASA sebenarnya tahu mengenai planet itu, tetapi merahasiakannya dengan berbagai alasan. Namun kini NASA akhirnya angkat bicara dan menyatakan semua cerita terkait kiamat 2012 sebagai 'hoax internet'.
"Tidak ada dasar faktual dalam klaim tersebut," demikian pernyataan khusus NASA di website resminya. "Jika tabrakan bakal terjadi, astronomer sudah akan melacaknya sedikitnya dalam 1 dekade terakhir, dan planet itu akan tampak dengan mata telanjang. Namun semua itu tidaklah eksis."
Ditambahkan bahwa para ilmuwan dunia yang punya kredibilitas menyatakan tidak ada ancaman bagi bumi di tahun 2012. NASA juga menegaskan planet bumi sejak dahulu baik-baik saja, dalam periode miliaran tahun dan akan tetap seperti itu dalam waktu yang lama.
Sedangkan terkait berakhirnya kalender bangsa Maya, NASA menyatakan sesungguhnya kalender Maya tidak berakhir pada 21 Desember 2012. Akan tetapi saat itu adalah permulaan untuk periode berikutnya.
Mengenai isu tentang teori pembalikan magnet bumi yang dinilai bisa berakibat fatal, NASA juga membantahnya. "Sepengetahuan kami, pembalikan medan magnet itu tidak membahayakan kehidupan di bumi," terang NASA.
Di pihak lain, sesepuh bangsa Maya modern di Guatemala dan Meksiko juga menyatakan prediksi kiamat itu ngawur. Dinilai, kiamat 2012 sengaja diciptakan untuk tujuan komersial bangsa barat dengan mengeksploitasi kebudayaan Maya. Demikian seperti dilansir Telegraph dan dikutip detikINET, Rabu (11/11/2009)
Susunan PHMJ & Presbiter GPIB Jemaat "Ora et Labora" 2007-2012
Ketua Majelis Jemaat: Pdt.Ny.Maria T. Meijer-Hallatu
Ketua I :Pnt.Joca C. Suryabara-Ngefak
Ketua II :Pnt.Lucas Z.Loupatty
Ketua III :Pnt.Jeffrey F. Tumatar
Ketua IV :Pnt.Eddie R.J Misero
Sekretaris :Dkn.Decianto E.Makagiansar
Sekretaris I :Dkn.E.Kaban-Lompoliuw
Bendahara :Pnt.Tommy Mukdani
Bendahara I :Dkn.Netty Mual-Pattiradjawane
Dkn.Ny.Elsje Lonteng-Kambey
Dkn.Ny Fanny Awuy-Kano
Dkn.Patrick P.R Silano
Pnt.Anton V.P Johannes
Pnt.Djoko S.Reksosoemarto
Dkn.Valentino Webie Hukom
Dkn.Kristanto Hendro Nugroho
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